← Appendix: Form Letters  


Listed here are books and articles that relate directly to documentary and textual editing and are cited in the text or listed in the suggested readings sections at the end of each chapter. Routine reference works and primary source editions are omitted.

Abbot, W. W. “An Uncommon Wareness of Self: The Papers of George Washington.” Prologue 21 (Spring 1989): 7–19.

Abbott, Craig S. “A Response to Nordloh’s ‘Socialization, Authority, and Evidence.’ ” Analytical and Enumerative Bibliography 1 (1987): 13–16.

Anderson, Frederick. “Hazards of Photographic Sources.” CEAA Newsletter 1 (March 1968): 5.

———. “Team Proofreading: Some Problems.” CEAA Newsletter 2 (July 1969): 15.

Arksey, Laura, et al., eds. American Diaries: An Annotated Bibliography of Published American Diaries and Journals. 2 vols. Detroit, 1982, 1987.

Association for Documentary Editing. “Minimum Standards for Electronic Editions.” Available at the ADE Web site, https://www.documentaryediting.org/wordpress/?page_id=508.

Association of American University Presses. One Book/Five Ways: The Publishing Procedures of Five University Presses. Chicago, 1994.

Bailey, Charles W., Jr. Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography. Published by the University of Houston Libraries, 1996–2006. Current version mounted http://epress.lib.uh.edu/sepb/sepb.html.

Bailey, Herbert S., Jr. “Einstein’s Collected Papers: Planning and Development.” Scholarly Publishing 20 (July 1989): 202–17.

———. “Thoreau and Us.” Scholarly Publishing 2 (July 1971): 327–28.

Battestin, Martin. “A Rationale of Literary Annotation: The Example of Fielding’s Novels.” In Vogt and Jones, Literary and Historical Editing, 57–79. Reprinted in Studies in Bibliography 34 (1981): 1–22.

Baylor University Institute for Oral History. Style Guide: A Quick Reference for Editing Oral Memoirs. Baylor, Texas, 2007. http://www.baylor.edu/Oral_History/index.php?id=23607.

Beales, Ross, Jr., and Randall K. Burkett. Historical Editing for Undergraduates. Worcester, Mass., 1977.

Beard, William D. “American Justinian or Prairie Pettifogger? Lincoln’s Legal Legacy: Documenting the Law Practice of Abraham Lincoln.” Documentary Editing 14 (December 1992): 61–64.

Bebb, Bruce, and Hershel Parker. “Freehafer on Greg and the CEAA: Secure Footing and ‘Substantial Shortfalls.’ ” Studies in the Novel 7 (1975): 391–94.

Becker, Robert Stephen. “Challenges in Editing Modern Literary Correspondence: Transcription.” TEXT 1 (1984): 257–70.

Bedini, Silvio A. Thomas Jefferson and His Copying Machines. Charlottesville, 1984.

Bell, Alan. “The Letters of Sir Walter Scott: Problems and Opportunities.” In Dainard, Editing Correspondence, 63–80.

Bell, Whitfield. “Franklin’s Papers and the Papers of Benjamin Franklin.” Pennsylvania History 22 (1955): 1–17.

Bellardo, Lewis J., and Lynn Lady Bellardo. A Glossary for Archivists, Manuscript Curators, and Records Managers. Chicago, 1992.

Benedict, Michael L. “Historians and the Continuing Controversy over Fair Use of Unpublished Manuscript Materials.” American Historical Review 91 (1986): 859–81.

Benjamin, Mary A. Autographs: A Key to Collecting. New York, 1963.

Benn, Tony. “The Diary as Historical Source.” Archives 20 (April 1993): 4–17.

Benner, Martha L. “The Abraham Lincoln Legal Papers: The Development of the Complete Facsimile Edition on CD-ROM.” Documentary Editing 16 (1994): 100–107.

———. “The Lincoln Legal Papers and the New Age of Documentary Editing.” Computers and the Humanities 30 (1996): 365–72.

———. “A ‘Value-Added’ Resource: The Law Practice of Abraham Lincoln: Complete Documentary Edition.Documentary Editing 26 (Summer 2004): 61–74.

Bennett, Betty T. “The Editor of Letters as Critic: A Denial of Blameless Neutrality.” TEXT 6 (1994): 213–23.

Bentley, G. E., Jr. “Blake’s Works as Performances: Intentions and Inattentions.” TEXT 4 (1988): 319–30.

Berkeley, Francis L., Jr. “History and the Problem of the Control of Manuscripts in the United States.” Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 98 (June 1954): 171–78.

Berlin, Ira, et al. “Writing Freedom’s History.” Prologue 14 (Fall 1982): 129–39.

Berlin, Jean V. “Selecting the Essential Webster.” Documentary Editing 13 (June 1991): 25–29.

Billias, George Athan. Review of Naval Documents of the American Revolution, vol. 2. American Historical Review 73 (October 1967): 216–17.

———. Review of Naval Documents of the American Revolution, vol. 5. American Historical Review 77 (June 1972): 831.

———. Review of David Humphreys’s “Life of General Washington”: With George Washington’s “Remarks,” edited by Rosemarie Zagarri. Journal of American History 79 (1992): 248–49.

Blassingame, John L. Introduction to Slave Testimony: Two Centuries of Letters, Interviews, and Autobiographies. Baton Rouge, 1977.

Blegen, Theodore C. “Our Widening Province.” Mississippi Valley Historical Review 31 (June 1944): 3–20.

Bowers, Fredson. Essays in Bibliography, Text, and Editing. Charlottesville, 1975.

———. “Established Texts and Definitive Editions.” Philological Quarterly 41 (1962): 1–17. Reprinted in his Essays in Bibliography, Text, and Editing, 359–74.

———. “Four Faces of Bibliography.” Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada 10 (1971): 33–45. Reprinted in his Essays in Bibliography, Text, and Editing, 94–108.

———. “The Function of Bibliography.” Library Trends 7 (April 1959): 497–510.

———. “Multiple Authority: New Problems and Concepts of Copy-Text.” The Library 27 (June 1972): 81–115. Reprinted in his Essays in Bibliography, Text, and Editing, 447–87.

———. Principles of Bibliographical Description. Princeton, 1949.

———. “Some Relations of Bibliography to Editorial Problems.” Studies in Bibliography 3 (1950–51): 37–62. Reprinted in his Essays in Bibliography, Text, and Editing, 15–36.

———. “Transcription of Manuscripts: The Record of Variants.” Studies in Bibliography 29 (1976): 212–64.

Boyd, Julian P. “ ‘God’s Altar Needs Not Our Polishings.’ ” New York History 39 (January 1958): 3–21.

Boydston, Jo Ann. “The Collected Works of John Dewey.” Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 85 (1991): 119–44.

———. “The Press and the Project: A Study in Cooperation.” Scholarly Publishing 15 (1983–84): 301–12.

Brilliant, Ira. “The Manuscript Society Information Exchange Database Opens at Arizona State University.” Manuscripts 42 (1990): 5–12.

Broeker, Galen. “Jared Sparks, Robert Peel, and the State Papers Office.” American Quarterly 13 (1961): 140–52.

Brooke, Christopher N. L. “The Teaching of Diplomatics.” Journal of the Society of Archivists 4 (April 1970): 1–9.

Burg, B. Richard. “The Autograph Trade and Documentary Editing.” Manuscripts 22 (Fall 1970): 247–54.

Burke, Frank. “Automation and Documentary Editing.” British Journal for the History of Science 20 (January 1987): 73–79.

———. “The Historian as Editor: Progress and Problems.” Public Historian 4 (1982): 5–19.

Burkhardt, Frederick. “Editing the Correspondence of Charles Darwin.” Studies in Bibliography 41 (1988): 49–159.

Burnard, Lou, Katherine O’Brien O’Keeffe, and John Unsworth, eds. Electronic Textual Editing. New York, 2006. Preview copies of this article were made available online in 2005 at http://www.tei-c.org/Activities/ETE/Preview/.

Bush, Sargent. “Watching Jonathan Edwards Think.” Documentary Editing 18 (September 1996): 53–57.

Butcher, Judith. Typescripts, Proofs, and Indexes. New York, 1980.

Butler, Sharon, and William P. Stoneman, eds. Editing, Publishing and Computer Technology: Papers Given at the Twentieth Annual Conference on Editorial Problems, University of Toronto, 2–3 November 1984. New York, 1988.

Butterfield, Lyman H. “Archival and Editorial Enterprise in 1850 and 1950: Some Comparisons and Contrasts.” Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 98 (1954): 159–70.

———. Butterfield in Holland: A Record of L. H. Butterfield’s Pursuit of the Adamses Abroad in 1959. Cambridge, 1961.

———. “New Light on the North Atlantic Triangle in the 1780s.” William and Mary Quarterly, 3d ser., 21 (October 1964): 596–606.

———. “The Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Progress and Procedures in the Enterprise at Princeton.” American Archivist 12 (1949): 131–45.

———. “The Scholar’s One World.” American Archivist 29 (1966): 343–61.

Byrne, Sherry. “Guidelines for Contracting Microfilming Services.” Microform Review 15 (Fall 1986): 253–64.

Cappon, Lester J. “American Historical Editors before Jared Sparks: ‘they will plant a forest. . . .’ ” William and Mary Quarterly, 3d ser., 30 (July 1973): 375–400.

———. “The Historian as Editor.” In In Support of Clio: Essays in Memory of Herbert A. Kellar, edited by William B. Hesseltine and Donald R. McNeil, 173–93. Madison, Wis., 1958.

———. “ ‘The Historian’s Day’—from Archives to History.” In The Reinterpretation of Early American History: Essays in Honor of John Edwin Pomfret, edited by Ray Allen Billington, 233–49. San Marino, Calif., 1966.

———. “A Rationale for Historical Editing Past and Present.” William and Mary Quarterly, 3d ser., 23 (January 1966): 56–75.

Cardwell, Guy. “Author, Intention, Text: The California Mark Twain.” Review 11 (1989): 255–88.

Carter, Clarence E. Historical Editing. Bulletin no. 7. Washington, D.C., 1952.

———. “The United States and Documentary Historical Publication.” Mississippi Valley Historical Review 25 (June 1938): 3–24.

Carter, John. ABC for Book Collectors. 7th ed., edited by Nicolas Barker. New Castle, Del., 1995.

Cayton, Mary Kupiec. “A Transcendentalist in Transition: Emerson and His Sermons, from Sacred to Secular.” Documentary Editing 13 (March 1991): 9–12.

Center for Editions of American Authors (CEAA). Statement of Editorial Principles and Procedures: A Working Manual for Editing Nineteenth-Century Texts. Rev. ed. New York, 1972.

Chesnutt, David R. “Comprehensive Text Processing and the Papers of Henry Laurens.” Newsletter of the Association for Documentary Editing 2 (May 1980): 12–14.

———. “Historical Editions in the Digital Age.” D-Lib Magazine, November 1995, http://www.dlib.org.

———. “Historical Editions in the States.” Computers and the Humanities 25 (1991): 377–80.

———. “Presidential Editions: The Promise and Problems of Technology.” Documentary Editing 16 (September 1994): 70–77.

Cimprich, John. Review of The Papers of Andrew Johnson, vol. 8. Journal of Southern History 58 (1992): 152–53.

Clark, Harry. A Venture in History: The Production, Publication, and Sale of the Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft. University of California Publications, Librarianship, no. 19. Los Angeles, 1973.

Claussen, Martin. “Revisiting America’s State Papers, 1789–1861: A Clinical Examination and Prognosis.” American Archivist 36 (1973): 523–36.

Cohen, Daniel J., and Roy Rosenzweig. Digital History: A Guide to Gathering, Preserving, and Presenting the Past on the Web. Philadelphia, 2006. Also available at http://chnm.gmu.edu/digitalhistory/authors.php.

Cohen, Philip, ed. Devils and Angels: Textual Editing and Literary Theory. Charlottesville, 1991.

———. “Textual Instability, Literary Studies, and Recent Developments in Textual Scholarship.” Resources for American Literary Study 20 (1994): 133–48.

Coleman, Martin. “Another Kind of E-Mail: The Electronic Edition of The Correspondence of John Dewey.Documentary Editing 26 (Summer 2004): 93–120.

Cook, Don L. “Precise Editing in a Book Club Format.” Documentary Editing 10 (September 1988): 6–10.

———. “The Short Happy Thesis of G. Thomas Tanselle.” Newsletter of the Association for Documentary Editing 3 (February 1981): 1–4.

Cox, H. Bartholomew. “Publication of Manuscripts: Devaluation or Enhancement?” American Archivist 32 (1969): 25–32.

Crane, Elaine Forman. “Gender Consciousness in Editing: The Diary of Elizabeth Drinker.” TEXT 4 (1988): 375–83.

Creasy, William C. “A Microcomputer Editorial Procedure.” In Microcomputers and Literary Scholarship, by William C. Creasy and Vinton A. Dearing, 1–22. Los Angeles, 1986.

Cullen, Charles T. “Principles of Annotation in Editing Historical Documents; or, How to Avoid Breaking the Butterfly on the Wheel of Scholarship.” In Vogt and Jones, Literary and Historical Editing, 81–95.

Cunningham, Noble E., Jr. “The Legacy of Julian Boyd.” South Atlantic Quarterly 83 (1984): 340–44.

Curran, Stuart. “The Blake Archive.” TEXT 12 (1999): 216–19.

Cutler, Wayne. “The ‘Authentic’ Witness: The Editor Speaks for the Document.” Newsletter of the Association for Documentary Editing 4 (February 1982): 8–9.

Dainard, J. A., ed. Editing Correspondence: Papers Given at the Fourteenth Annual Conference on Editorial Problems, University of Toronto, 3–4 November 1978. New York, 1979.

Daniels, Maygene. “The Ingenious Pen: American Writing Implements from the Eighteenth Century to the Twentieth Century.” American Archivist 43 (1980): 312–24.

Davis, Robert Scott, Jr. “Two Hundred Years of Acquiring the Fifty Years of the Colonial Records of Georgia: A Chapter in Failure in Historical Publication.” Documentary Editing 23 (March 2001): 13–17, 23.

Davis, Tom. “The CEAA and Modern Textual Editing.” The Library 32 (1977): 61–74.

Dearing, Vinton. “Textual Criticism Today: A Brief Survey.” Studies in the Novel 7 (1975): 394–98.

De Battista, Michael. “Tape Proofreading: An Adaptation for Part-Time Staff.” Scholarly Publishing 7 (January 1975): 147–50.

De Tienne, André. “The Peirce Papers: How to Pick Up Manuscripts That Fell to the Floor.” TEXT 10 (1998): 261–68.

Dierenfield, Bruce. Review of Miss You: The World War II Letters of Barbara Wooddall Taylor and Charles E. Taylor, edited by Judy Barrett Litoff and David C. Smith. Journal of Southern History 58 (1992): 386–87.

Dow, Elizabeth. “Archivists and Scholarly Editing.” Documentary Editing 27 (2005): 149–52.

Duggan, Hoyt. “Some Unrevolutionary Aspects of Computer Editing.” In The Literary Text in the Digital Age, edited by Richard J. Finneran, 77–90.

Dunlap, Leslie W., and Fred Shelley, eds. The Publication of American Historical Manuscripts. Iowa City, 1976.

Easson, Angus. “Reviewing Editions: Letters, Journals, Diaries.” In Literary Reviewing, edited by James O. Hoge, 44–67. Charlottesville, 1987.

“The Editor’s Craft: Looking Back to Look Ahead.” Documentary Editing 17 (March 1995): 22–24.

Edwards, Mary Jane. “CEECT: Progress, Procedures, and Problems.” Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada 26 (1987): 13–26.

———. “Scholarly Editing in Canada.” English Studies in Canada 27 (2001): 1–204.

“Electronic Editions (I): What Should They Look Like?”; “Electronic Editions (II): Works in Progress.” Documentary Editing 18 (March 1996): 113–14.

Eppard, Philip B. “The Archivist’s Perspective: Implications for Documentary Editing.” Documentary Editing 16 (June 1994): 47–50.

Evans, Frank B., et al., “A Basic Glossary for Archivists, Manuscript Curators, and Records Managers.” American Archivist 37 (July 1974): 415–31.

Fabian, Bernhard. “Jefferson’s Notes on Virginia: The Genesis of Query xvii, The different religions received into that State.” William and Mary Quarterly, 3d ser., 12 (January 1955): 124–38.

Feller, Daniel. “Compromising Clay.” Documentary Editing 8 (September 1986): 10–15.

———. “ ‘What Good Are They Anyway?’: A User Looks at Documentary Editions of Statesmen’s Papers.” Documentary Editing 9 (December 1987): 1–6.

Ferraro, William. Review of Home Letters of General Sherman, edited by M. A. De Wolfe Howe. Documentary Editing 17 (1995): 74–76.

Filby, P. W. Calligraphy and Handwriting in America, 1710–1967. New York, 1963.

Finkenbine, Roy E. “Garveyism and the ‘New Documentary Editing.’ ” Documentary Editing 7 (March 1985): 7–11.

Finneran, Richard J., ed. The Literary Text in the Digital Age. Ann Arbor, 1996.

Fishbein, Morris. “The Evidential Value of Nontextual Records: An Early Precedent.” American Archivist 45 (Spring 1982): 189–90.

Fones-Wolf, Ken. “Human Frailties and Editorial Rigidities: The Letters of Eugene V. Debs.” Documentary Editing 15 (September 1993): 61–64.

Ford, Worthington C. “The Editorial Function in United States History.” American Historical Review 23 (1917–18): 273–86.

Franklin, Benjamin. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin: A Genetic Text, edited by J. A. Leo Lemay and P. M. Zal. Knoxville, Tenn., 1981.

Franklin, Wayne. “The ‘Library of America’ and the Welter of American Books.” Iowa Review 15 (Spring–Summer 1985): 176–94.

Friedman, Arthur. “Principles of Historical Annotation in Critical Editions of Modern Texts.” English Institute Annual, 1941, 115–28.

Gabler, Hans Walter. “Moving a Print-Based Editorial Project into Electronic Form.” In Burnard, O’Keeffe, and Unsworth, Electronic Textual Editing, 339–45.

———. Review of James Joyce’s Ulysses: A Facsimile of the Manuscript. The Library 32 (1977): 177–82.

———. “The Synchrony and the Diachrony of Texts: Practice and Theory of the Critical Edition of James Joyce’s Ulysses.TEXT 1 (1984): 305–26.

———. “The Text as Process and the Problem of Intentionality.” TEXT 3 (1987): 107–15.

Gaskell, Philip. From Writer to Reader: Studies in Editorial Method. Oxford, 1978.

———. A New Introduction to Bibliography. Reprint. New Castle, Del., 1995.

Geckle, George L. Review of Christopher Marlowe’s Dr. Faustus. TEXT 7 (1994): 492–511.

George, Juliette, Alexander George, and Michael Marmor. “Research Note: Issues in Wilson Scholarship: References to Early ‘Strokes’ in the Papers of Woodrow Wilson.Journal of American History 70 (March 1984): 845–53.

Giacomantonio, William C. de. Review of Ethan Allen and His Kin. Documentary Editing 21 (December 1999): 73–75.

Gibson, William M. “The Center for Editions of American Authors.” In Professional Standards and American Editions: A Response to Edmund Wilson, 1–6. New York, 1969.

Gilman, William H. “How Should Journals Be Edited?” Early American Literature 6 (Spring 1971): 73–83.

Gilmore, William J. Review of The Letters of John Greenleaf Whittier, edited by John P. Pickard. Journal of American History 63 (1976): 672–73.

Goldman, Jerry, ed. The Supreme Court’s Greatest Hits. Evanston, Ill., 1999.

Gordon, Ann. “A Future for Documentary Editions: The Historical Documents Study.” Documentary Editing 14 (March 1992): 6–10.

Gottesman, Ronald, and Scott Bennett, eds., Art and Error: Modern Textual Editing. Bloomington, Ind., 1970.

Gottesman, Ronald, and David Nordloh. “The Quest for Perfection: Or Surprises in the Consummation of Their Wedding Journey.CEAA Newsletter 1 (March 1968): 12–13.

Greetham, David C., ed. The Margins of the Text. Ann Arbor, 1996.

———. “Rights to Copy.” TEXT 10 (1997): 135–46.

———, ed. Scholarly Editing: A Guide to Research. New York, 1995.

———. “Textual and Literary Theory: Redrawing the Matrix.” Studies in Bibliography 42 (1989): 1–24.

———. Textual Scholarship: An Introduction. New York, 1992.

———. Textual Transgressions: Essays toward the Construction of a Bibliography. New York, 1996.

———. Theories of the Text. Oxford, 1996.

Greg, W. W. “The Rationale of Copy-text.” Studies in Bibliography 3 (1950–51): 19–36. Reprinted in Bibliography and Textual Criticism, edited by O. M. Brack Jr. and Warner Barnes, 41–58. Chicago, 1969. Also in Gottesman and Bennett, Art and Error, 17–36.

Grele, Ronald, J. “Movement without Aim: Methodological and Theoretical Problems in Oral History.” In Envelopes of Sound: Six Practitioners Discuss the Method, Theory, and Practice of Oral Testimony and Oral History, edited by Ronald J. Grele, 33–34. Chicago, 1975.

Gruber, Ira D. Review of Naval Documents of the American Revolution, vol. 1. William and Mary Quarterly, 3d ser., 22 (1965): 660–63.

Guide to Reference Works. Initiated under the editorship of Constance Winchell and continued by Eugene Sheehy and Robert Balay. 11th ed. Chicago, 1996.

Hajo, Cathy Moran. “Computerizing Control over Authority Names at the Margaret Sanger Papers.” Documentary Editing 13 (June 1991): 35–39

Halsband, Robert. “Editing the Letters of Letter-Writers.” Studies in Bibliography 11 (1958): 25–37. Reprinted in Gottesman and Bennett, Art and Error, 124–39.

Hamer, Philip M. “ ‘. . . authentic Documents tending to elucidate our History.’ ” American Archivist 25 (1962): 3–13.

Hamilton, Charles. Collecting Autographs and Manuscripts. Norman, Okla., 1961.

Handbook of Oral History. Edited by Thomas L. Charlton, Lois Myers, and Rebecca Sharpless. Lanham, Md., 2002.

Harman, Eleanor. “Hints on Proofreading.” Scholarly Publishing 7 (January 1975): 151–57.

Harrison, Teresa M., and Timothy Stephen. “On-Line Disciplines: Computer-Mediated Scholarship in the Humanities and Social Sciences.” Computers and the Humanities 26 (1992): 181–93.

Harvard Guide to American History, edited by Frank Burt Freidel, with Richard K. Showman. 2 vols. Rev. ed. Cambridge, Mass., 1974.

Hattaway, Herman. Review of Jefferson Davis: The Man and His Hour, by William C. David. Journal of American History 79 (1992): 1178–79.

Hay, Louis. “Genetic Editing, Past and Future: A Few Reflections by a User.” TEXT 3 (1987): 117–33.

Henige, David. Review of The Juan Pardo Expeditions. Documentary Editing 13 (June 1991): 30–34.

Herst, Herman, Jr. “Philatelists Are the Luckiest People.” Manuscripts 32 (Summer 1980): 187–90.

Hesseltine, William B., and Larry Gara. “The Archives of Pennsylvania: A Glimpse at an Editor’s Problem.” Pennsylvania Magazine 77 (1953): 328–31.

Hill, W. Speed. “The Case for Standards in Scholarly Editing.” Literary Research 13 (1988): 203–12.

———. “Theory and Practice in Anglo-American Scholarly Editing, 1950–2000.” Anglia: Zeitschrift für englische Philologie, 2001, 327–50.

———. “The Theory and Practice of Transcription.” In New Ways of Looking at Old Texts, edited by W. Speed Hill, 25–32. Binghamton, N.Y., 1993.

———. “Where Would Anglo-American Textual Criticism Be If Shakespeare Had Died of the Plague in 1593?” TEXT 13 (2000): 1–7.

Hirst, Robert H. “Editing Mark Twain, Hand to Hand, ‘Like All D——d Fool Printers.’ ” Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 88 (June 1994): 157–88.

Hobson, Charles. Review of The Correspondence and Miscellaneous Papers of Benjamin Henry Latrobe, vol. 3. Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 97 (1989): 228–30.

Hockey, Susan. Electronic Texts in the Humanities. Oxford, 2000.

Hodge, M. J. S. “Darwin: The Voyage, London, and Down.” Annals of Science 50 (1993): 179.

Holloran, Peter. “Rediscovering Lost Values: Transcribing an African-American Sermon.” Documentary Editing 13 (September 1991): 49–53.

Holmes, Oliver W. “Documentary Publication in the Western Hemisphere.” Archivum 16 (1966): 79–96.

Hornberger, Theodore. Review of The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, vols. 1 and 2. American Quarterly 3 (1951): 87–90.

Housman, A. E. “The Application of Thought to Textual Criticism.” 1921. In A. E. Housman: Selected Prose, edited by John Carter, 131–50. Cambridge, 1962. Also in Gottesman and Bennett, Art and Error, 1–16.

Howard, Ronald W. “Lewis Morris, in Eighteenth-Century New Jersey and New York: A Review.” Documentary Editing 17 (March 1995): 11–15.

Howard-Hill, T. H. “Enumerative and Descriptive Bibliography.” In The Book Encompassed: Studies in Twentieth-Century Bibliography, edited by Peter Davison, 122–29. Cambridge, 1992.

———. “Shakespeare Edited, Restored, Domesticated, Verbatim and Modernized.” Review 15 (1993): 115–225.

Hudson, Charles, and Paul Hoffman, trans. The Juan Pardo Expeditions: Exploration of the Carolinas and Tennessee, 1566–1568. Washington, D.C., 1990.

Hudspeth, Robert N. “Hawthorne’s Letters and the ‘Darksome Veil of Mystery.’ ” Documentary Editing 8 (September 1986): 7–11.

———. “William and Henry James: Natives of the James Family, and of No Other Country.” Documentary Editing 17 (September 1995): 62.

Hurlebusch, Klaus. “‘Relic’ and ‘Tradition’: Some Aspects of Editing Diaries.” TEXT 3 (1987): 143–53.

Hutchison, Ann M., ed. Editing Women: Papers Given at the Thirty-First Annual Conference on Editorial Problems, University of Toronto, 3–4 November 1995. Toronto, 1998.

Hutson, James H. Review of The Papers of Benjamin Franklin, vol. 27. Pennsylvania Magazine 114 (1990): 295–96.

Irons, Peter, ed. May It Please the Court: The First Amendment: [Live Recordings and] Transcripts of the Oral Arguments Made before the Supreme Court in Sixteen Key First Amendment Cases. New York, 1997.

Jackson, Donald. “What I Did for Love—of Editing.” Western Historical Quarterly 13 (1982): 291–97.

James, Judith Giblin. “ ‘I Know my Worth’: Lillian Smith’s Letters from the Modern South.” Documentary Editing 16 (December 1994): 85–87.

Jameson, J. Franklin. “Gaps in the Published Records of United States History.” American Historical Review 11 (1905–6): 817–31.

Jenkins, Reese V. “Words, Images, Artifacts and Sound: Documents for the History of Technology.” British Journal for the History of Science 20 (1987): 1–8.

Jenkins, Reese V., and Thomas E. Jeffrey. “Worth a Thousand Words: Nonverbal Documents in Editing.” Documentary Editing 6 (September 1984): 1–8.

Jenkinson, Hilary. “The Representation of Manuscripts in Print.” London Mercury 30 (September 1934): 429–38.

Johnsen, Leigh. “Annotation Control and Computers: A Case Study of the Salmon P. Chase Papers Project.” Documentary Editing 22 (June 2000): 34–38.

Johnson, Thomas H. “Establishing a Text: The Emily Dickinson Papers.” Studies in Bibliography 5 (1952–53): 21–32.

Kasdorf, William E., et al. The Columbia Guide to Digital Publishing. New York, 2003.

Kerr, Chester. “Publishing Historical Sources: A Prejudicial View of the Problem of Finance.” Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 98 (August 1954): 273–78.

Ketcham, Ralph L. “The Madison Family Papers: Case Study in a Search for Historical Manuscripts.” Manuscripts 11 (Summer 1959): 49–55.

Kets-Vree, Annemarie. “Dutch Scholarly Editing: The Historical-Critical Edition.” TEXT 13 (2000): 131–49.

Kimnach, Wilson H. “Realities of the Sermon: Some Considerations for Editors.” Documentary Editing 5 (February 1983): 5–10.

Kirkham, E. Kay. How to Read the Handwriting and Records of Early America. Salt Lake City, 1964.

Kitching, Christopher. “Record Publication in England and Wales, 1957–1982.” Archives 17 (April 1985): 38–46.

———. “The Status of Documentary Editing in the United Kingdom.” Documentary Editing 11 (June 1989): 29–31.

Kline, Mary-Jo. A Guide to Documentary Editing. Baltimore, 1987; 2d ed., 1998.

Knight, David. “Background and Foreground: Getting Things in Context.” British Journal for the History of Science 20 (1987): 3–12.

Kohn, Richard H., and George M. Curtis III. “The Government, the Historical Profession, and Historical Editing.” Reviews in American History 9 (June 1981): 145–55.

Kraditor, Aileen S. Review of The Letters of William Lloyd Garrison, vols. 1 and 2. Reviews in American History 1 (1973): 519–23.

Krattenmaker, Tom. “Reading Jefferson’s Mail.” Princeton Alumni Weekly, 10 November 1993, 10–15.

Kristeller, Paul Oskar. “The Lachmann Method: Merits and Limitations.” TEXT 1 (1984): 11–20.

Labaree, Leonard W. “In Search of ‘B Franklin.’ ” William and Mary Quarterly, 3d ser., 16 (April 1959): 188–97.

———. “350 Were Approached, Only Three Said ‘No.’ ” Williams Alumni Review, February 1967, 11–12.

Landon, Richard, ed. Editing and Editors: A Retrospect: Papers Given at the Twenty-First Annual Conference on Editorial Problems, University of Toronto, 1–2 November 1985. New York, 1988.

Landow, George P. “Hypertext in Literary Education, Criticism, and Scholarship.” Computers and the Humanities 23 (1989): 173–98.

Larsen, John C. Larsen, ed. Researcher’s Guide to Archives and Regional History Sources. Hamden, Conn., 1988.

Leland, Waldo Gifford. “The Prehistory and Origins of the National Historical Publications Commission.” American Archivist 27 (1964): 187–94.

Lemay, J. A. Leo. Canon of Benjamin Franklin, 1722–1776: New Attributions and Reconsiderations. Newark, 1986.

Lemisch, Jesse. “The American Revolution Bicentennial and the Papers of Great White Men: A Preliminary Critique of Current Documentary Publication Programs and Some Alternative Proposals.” American Historical Association Newsletter 9 (November 1971): 7–21.

Lennox, John, and Janet M. Paterson, eds. Challenges, Projects, Texts: Canadian Editing: Twenty-Fifth Annual Conference on Editorial Problems, University of Toronto, November 17–18, 1989. New York, 1993.

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← Appendix: Form Letters